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Natural Chest Rub

Essential oils are something I rely on in my home. They offer a natural alternative to chemicals in so many areas. Even though they are natural they are still something you need to use with caution and respect, remembering they are highly concentrated.

This Chest rub recipe is something I use on my kids in place of a certain petroleum-based brand we all had in our childhood. If your children are under 6months old, I recommend vaporising/diffusing essential oils rather than using them topically and sticking to a dilution that is age appropriate. For children it is always best to consult a qualified aromatherapist.



50mls of carrier oil, I use - 

25mls Coconut Oil/ Jojoba (depending on the consistency you prefer)

25mls Olive Oil

10 drops of essential oils either –

10 drops of Twenty8 Immune Boost


2 drops each of Cedarwood, Lavender, Tea Tree, Pine and Eucalyptus.


If you are using Coconut Oil, melt the Coconut Oil and blend with the Olive Oil and essential oils once away from heat. Store in an airtight jar, preferably amber or darker coloured and store in a cupboard away from light and little hands!

Use on the bottom of little one’s feet just before bed or a little on their chest in a gentle massage.


Massage is a beautiful nightly ritual to create with your children. Touch is our most important sense and can boost our immune system and sense of safety and security in our world.

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