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The Heart of Christmas

The heart of Christmas can get lost behind a lot of present buying, food consuming and drink guzzling. This can, for some, make it quite a stressful time as they don't have the extra money to buy extra food, drinks or gifts for loved ones. Is this really what we want for our friends and family?

Across many beliefs, Christmas is really a festival and celebration. So, what are we really celebrating at Christmas time? The meaning of Christmas lies within each of us and our beliefs on who we are. Christmas is a time of celebrating life and can be a season of joy. A time to celebrate our love for each other. It can also be a time of forgiveness, healing and renewed strength. Connecting with each other is more important than the money we spend and food we consume.

Be sure to take some time this Christmas, tuning out from your technology and spend time being present with your loved ones. Perhaps there may even be someone who you want to re-connect with and heal some hurts. When we truly look at each other unveiled, true to your spirit and authentic, we can begin to see we are all just human beings trying to do life the best way we can. The celebration of Christmas is a wonderful reason to open up to forgiveness and understanding.

If you know families or individuals that are struggling this festive season, support them with spending quality time together, love and connection cannot be bought however can bring so much joy to our lives.  The best things about Christmas are often those impossible to put a price on - time spent together, renewed love, and the true joy and hope for our future.

The team at Food For Life wish you a joyous Christmas. x